Korean Curve Face Style by Lipofilling technique

Achieve a Korean Look with S-Curve Balance Facial Ratio through fat graft lipofilling technique by DRK.
Hi friends, DJ Grace here, some thais or foreigners who come to bars and listen to EDM kind of genre may have seen me playing in some popular clubs in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and some Asian countries.

Playing music is my life, but as a women, it is also important for me to look beautiful. My friends say I look pretty enough already but there's still some insecurities I feel inside.
I want to look like Korean, my forehead is too flat and deep, and it looks dull and off. Also I have these deep laugh lines that makes me look older than my age.

I've been wondering for so long on what to do to achieve my desired look, and I've been asking around doctors in Bangkok but nothing seems to interest me with the promised result they have given.
Each day from work, I feel tired and I look older each day, my under eyes began to look hollowed, and I'm afraid that I'd look tired and older.

I have to put on a lot of makeup on my eyes just so I could cover the deepness and hollowness, and wont look liked from my night job.
One lucky, my celebrity friend had a plastic surgery done at DRK and she was very proud of her beauty makeover with them. She got more opportunities and more fans.
Soon after, she told me to go to DRK and have a beauty advice with their doctor regarding my concern.

I had a botox lifting effect with Dr. Pui, the most beautiful and well-experienced dermatologist I've ever seen. She's such an incredible person and I am very astonished with the lifting effect right after botox treatment.
Although my consultation for my Korean style face was with Dr. Beer. Our discussion went well, as we both agreed on the procedure and expected result. Dr. Beer was very straightforward and honest about my operation and how would I look like after.
Since my forehead is flat, he will fill in some fats, my own fats plus stem cell enriched formula to make the fat survive permanently. He will also fill in the lower eyelid for the deepness of my lower eyes and laugh lines to make me look younger. He will extract fat from my tummy which is very much one of the best part because I have some unwanted fats accumulated there hahahaha

This is now my fat with the stem cell, ready to inject on my forehead, under the lower eyes and laugh lines.
My fat graft operation was a success. I didn't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Dr. Beer's hands were very gentle and careful in performing the task.
The feeling was almost the same as having a botox treatment.

**This is me 1 day after my fat graft lipofilling with Dr. Beer**
As you see, I have no bruises, or terrible look after the operation. Not even a sign of a scar! It was such a great operation! No downtime! I can do my night job as usual!

2nd day after my fat graft procedure. I was surprised that on the second day, there are no any bruises or terrible swollen on my face. I can go out and still do my daily routine :)

3rd day after my fat graft lipofilling on my face.
Everything is getting better each day.

Day 4 guys and now I'm working as normal.
My operation almost had no downtime, my coworkers gave me a lot of compliments with my new look. They said I look younger and prettier as ever.

Day 5 update! See my forehead and cheeks and eyes? guys! magnificent!

Day 6 has been another day of feeling great about myself.
My friends want to go to DRK and have beauty makeover with my doctor too hahahha

7 days after.
I am very happy that I found DRK to do my dream look as Korean style beauty.
Achieving the Korean facial structure without any complication, I am more than satisfied with the marvelous result.
Dr. Beer is really the best doctor for this kind of procedure, I am the living proof of his great work and I will surely come back for more beauty makeovers and skin maintenance with Dr. Pui.

See the filled and curve from my forehead, that's the Korean Style facial balance.
Thanks to my Beauty Maker Dr. Beer for making my dream beauty come true.
I am also very thankful to all DRK staff for taking care of me all throughout.