Do you feel old because of the shape of your eyes? Double Eyelid definitely changes my boring eyes t

Monolid is common in Asian people. This eye condition leaves the eyes a tired looking, sleepy eyes. Which may also lead to lack of self confidence. But worry now, there's an easy solution for that. Double Eyelid surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery procedure done by Asians to enhance their looks.
My condition is a severe monolid, unlike others I don't have a crease on the eyelid which is very unpleasant and depressing. All my years, I have insecurities about how I look because no matter how I try to change or improve the expression of my face, the dullness of my eyes speaks louder.

Most people thought I look older than my age, and I can see the shock on their faces when I tell them my real age. Monolid really gave me pain in my ego. That's why I wanted to correct to the shape of my eyes, create a crease to make it bigger and livelier.

I choose DRK for my eye makeover, because during my consultation I was very impressed by how the doctor told me what could be done for my eyes and how he will do it. Full incision will be good enough to create a natural crease and would fit the width and height of the eyes. The technique is to remove a bit skin and fat of the upper eyelid.

I was impressed by how fascinating the operation was. It was quick and painless. After injecting the local anesthesia, the next procedures didn't feel anything at all. I was comfortable and at peace the entire time.

The bloodless technique is known as a signature when performing surgery. This technique prevents the incision area or the work area to bleed thus the doctor can see and access well on the area of operation. Moreover, the recovery will be at ease because there's no severe bleeding in the area of operation.

The first day and the following day after double eyelid surgery. The eyes are swelling as expected. This is normal, yet I am relieved that the sutures are closed and no bruises.

After 5 days! I'm beginning to see the good prognosis of my recovery! The swelling is starting to subside and I can go back to my normal routine. No more pain, no more discomfort!

10 days after double eyelid surgery! See the incision created a crease! And the doctor said that it's gonna be a natural crease! I love how my eyes are defined now! Compared to before, I look young!

2 weeks after double eyelid surgery and I look like 10 years younger! I look different! I look beautiful! My confidence has gone rise up and that's because my eyes has a beautiful shape that gives me an attractive and expressive look.
I'm so happy and satisfied with my new pair of eyes! hahah thanks to DRK!
