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VShape Face Chin Prominence Enhancement by Dr. Beer

Chin Augmentation is the right option to achieve perfect facial balance for Vshape style contour.

To all who wanted to have chin prominence and would like to have Vshape face like Koreans, Chin augmentation might be the excellent procedure for you. Here's my story as I did chin augmentation at DRK with Dr. Beer.

I have always wanted to look Korean, because it is the beauty that I think suits my personality. I'm not saying that everybody must achieve it, but for me Korean beauty is what my style is built for.

As I read about Korean beauty, I learned that there is a balance ratio for face. 1/3 for upper, lower and middle section. For my lower which is the lips and chin area, my chin is kind of short and blunt. Also the protrusion is less prominent. So in obtaining the perfect ration for face, I need to see a doctor to discuss my condition to him.

Fortunately, I found DRK and I was amazed by how Dr. Beer make so much remarkable job to all his patients. I made an appointment for consultation right away.

So on my way to DRK. I feel very excited to meet the famous Dr. Beer.

During my consultation, Dr. Beer explained to me thoroughly about my condition. My chin needs to be added silicone implant that will give me the best outcome possible.

He will customize the implant according to my facial structure to achieve perfect balance ratio and will fit my face suitably. He will secure it with a "screw" connect to my chin bone to ensure that the implant will remain in place and right position no matter what activity I will do.

I am very confident that my operation and result will be a success!

2 days after my Chin augmentation with Dr. Beer

I still have the plaster on my chin to help reduce swelling. Although the incision site is inside the mouth cavity. There are no bruises and no scar outside.

I feel comfortable as of the given moment, because I don't look and I don't feel terrible.

Dr. Beer's technique for Bloodless procedure really worked as being said by many patients!

3rd day after my Chin Augmentation with Dr. Beer.

The plasters were removed today as I went to DRK clinic for my follow up check.

We are all amazed to see fast recovery, not much swelling, no bruises, and no pain. I can now go out and date with my friends!

7 days after my Chin augmentation with Dr. Beer

I am 100% back to normal life now, and I can see its outstanding result!

My friends told me that I look different now, I have achieved the Vshape face that I wanted! I look like a KPOP star!

More to that, they say my healing process was very quick. As if I haven't undergone any surgery.

My before and after photo comparison amazed all my friends. From square face and short chin to slim sexy face and more balance.

I feel more confident now that I achieved the look that I most desired, the Vshape style like Korean.

I am very satisfied with how I look now, and I recommend you to come to DRK and have a consultation with their doctors.

I assure you that your consultation will be the first step of you beauty transformation journey.

I would like to thank Dr. Beer for giving me the perfect face! I made the right decision in choosing him as my Beauty Maker...

Thanks to all the DRK staff for being so kind to me and treating me like VIP patient. I will surely come back for more beauty quests.

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