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Rosamond's life easier after breast augmentation.

From flat chested to BIG BREASTS!

I have gained a lot of confidence since I had breast augmentation done in DRK.

Like most skinny girls, usually as we are built as slender and less fatty body, which is also a good thing for women, but the disadvantage of being skinny is less adipose tissue in the mammary which is the breast. And as we all believe that the breast is the sign of a femininity.

As I pursue my modeling career and look confident during my shows and photoshoots, I need to change the one thing that cause me lack of self esteem, so I decided to do breast augmentation.

Upon looking around, I had many recommendation from friends and co-models, but when I visit the clinic and/or talk to the doctor, I don’t feel confident to do the breast surgery with them.

Until one shiny day, I had a friend who did surgery at DRK and I was very astound to see her result and the changes that happened to her since then. I was so thrilled to know her beauty maker, and that is how I found DRK.

My consultation with Dr. Kolawach was splendid and mind opening knowledge about the procedure. He explained to me thoroughly the size that is best for my body size and height. And since I am tall, I can go 300cc to 325cc with a round shape silicone which will give me more firm and lifted breast and look more natural and not saggy in the long run, also the incision site is at inframammary which is located at the crease line below the breast, the result of this will give the incision a natural crease and appearing to no visible scar in a year or two. The implant will be inserted under the muscle so that it will be no complication in the future and more natural to feel and touch. Your boyfriend or husband won’t know you had breast surgery! hahahhahha

The operation was done in Samitivej hospital which is a JCI accredited hospital and very well known here in Thailand. I am relieved to know that Dr. Kolawach will do my surgery in the hospital and not in the clinic, because I heard that there are many cases who had complications and worst died doing major surgery under general anesthesia in the clinic only. I had 1 night stay there and Dr. Kolawach and his team visited me the following day to check my condition, and then I went home.

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Here’s how I look 6 months after my breast augmentation surgery done at DRK.

I wish I can put in exact words the amount of happiness that I feel after seeing my breasts become so beautiful like this. I am happy each day because my boobs are not just bigger but they look natural and very natural to feel as well.

My manager and all other medias in entertainment industry are amazed in my transformation and how my body become a real woman. They can make me wear sexy clothes during the modeling show and photoshoots and I pull every clothes off, and most importantly being confident wearing them.

My recovery period was as if I had minor surgery done, the pain was bearable and manageable, in just a week or two I was back at work and did normal routine. I had no bruises and terrible swelling, everything was pretty light during the rehabilitation.

This is me one year after my breast augmentation with Dr. Kolawach.

My boobs look very natural, and guys I tell you, if you could only touch it, it feels very natural as well. Above that, what I like most about is the positivity in my mood every day. Once you are happy about yourself, everything else radiates, and that my friend is what we need to achieve. Happiness, whatever it takes to get a grasp of it, take it, make it happen. ^^

And as for my BEAUTY MAKER Dr. Kolawach, I salute you for a job perfectly done. You know that I trust you my life and I owe you my happiness. I will forever be thankful of you and I will support DRK because DRK is true and effective.

Thanks to all DRK staff as well, see you all soon! ^^

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