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Breast Augmentation, Mentor Round 300cc by DRK

Having small breasts are never sexy to a woman or a man's view.

I myself don't feel good about my flat chest. It gives me less confidence and make me feel shy about wearing clothes that emphasize the emptiness of my chest.

Some people tease me to have twosided backs, which is really depressing.

So I decided to do breast augmentation.

Glad to run into DRK clinic as I did my research when looking for the best surgeon in town.

I read about DRK surgeons and their background profile, they have outstanding experience and all their patients give them positive feedback.

Dr. Kolawach adviced me to have 300cc volume for my size because it will fit best for my body structure and height.

My implant will be round and smooth and the brand is Mentor, which is made in USA. Most recommended by board certified plastic surgeons around the world, and is known to have the best quality material that will give the patient a natural feeling.

The operation will be done in JCI accredited hospital named Samitivej Thonburi that DRK is affiliated. I will be under general anesthesia and will stay in hospital for one night.

I will have under the muscle insertion and inframammary incision scar.

I am very excited to do my breast augmentation and achieve the big breasts that I longed for.

**Front view of my breast after the surgery. 2 weeks after my breast augmentation**

No more swelling, no bruises and no pain at this time. I feel so happy to see my breast look so natural and feel natural too.

My scars are less visible now, and doctor said it will be more less visible over time. I am very thankful to DRK for making my dreams come true! My boobs looks so natural, and I had no complications after the surgery. The breast implants are placed symetrically and it is soft and natural to touch. I am now confident to wear sexy clothes! Thank you DRK!

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