DRK Plastic Surgeon
The leading surgery center in Thailand.
Our doctors have excellent training backgrounds reinforced by years of experience and thousands of procedures performed.
DRK Facilities
DRK Medical Group is the leading surgery center in Thailand. Our doctors have excellent training backgrounds reinforced by years of experience and thousands of procedures performed. We are located at the heart of Bangkok, in Ekkamai road, Sukhumvit area.

1. Operation Room
Our patient’s safety and satisfaction are our first priority. Real-time Surgery Monitoring System, high quality anesthetic drug, cutting edge equipment and anesthesia system are being used. Board certified anesthesiologists are on site to take care and watch the patient during whole operation time to ensure safety. DRK assures that our patient is secured and well protected with exclusive touch of luxury and comfort. We provide them JCI standard in our affiliated hospitals to guarantee them a high quality of care. Our medical center has a cutting-edge technology to render good service for assessing patient prior the operation or treatment and advanced operating room system for excellent in-operation procedure.

Our operating room has surgical standards with sterile technique. Monitored by a nurse, infection control, and air through HEPA Filter can filter dust and bacteria, 99.99%, especially in major surgery such as breast augmentation patients to receive care in the operating room through the standard JCI sure the system. With an experienced anesthesiologists and security team of emergency to be always ready and alert for any intensive care for the patient during surgery.


3. Recovery Room
The exclusive recovery room is provided at comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. After the operation, the nurse will go on rotation to assess post-surgical pains. We identify the needs of the patient after surgery, we know that this time of recovery they need to assisted thoroughly until they feel better and ready to go home. Our nurses and doctors will provide the most relaxing and safe ambiance for you.
Patients can sleep a full recovery with rehabilitation and Private VIP nurse in minor surgery. Surgery patients can return home but in the case of major surgery such as breast augmentation patients can be admitted overnight at the hospital where the surgery will be done. The atmosphere is like a convalescent patient stays in 5-star hotels under the care after surgery to be cared for by a nurse 24 hours a day.

Patients can sleep a full recovery with rehabilitation and Private VIP nurse in minor surgery. Surgery patients can return home but in the case of major surgery such as breast augmentation patients can be admitted overnight at the hospital where the surgery will be done. The atmosphere is like a convalescent patient stays in 5-star hotels under the care after surgery to be cared for by a nurse 24 hours a day.
4. Other Services
We provide skin and body care for all skin types. Treatment for anti-aging to make our patient stay young and good look from head to toe. We can solve your skin problems with our lasers from the US, it will give glow and renew your skin cells back to normal. DRK has the most advanced technology to prevent and treat all your skin and body flaws to make it refine and achieve celebrity look.