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Buccal Fat Removal Surgery
Buccal fat removal
Because of korean pop, facial contour is the new trend among Asian. Excessive cheek becomes unfavorable. the solution lies to the buccal fat removal and gentle liposuction, facial Reshaping Techniques for Improving The Round Face.
Common questions
What is buccal removal?
The buccal fat is a deep pad that is located between the buccinator muscle and the more superficial muscles including the zygomaticus and masseter muscles in the, appropriately named, buccal space.This fat area in one of the problem of excessive cheek
At what age can a buccal fat extraction be performed?
Buccal fat removal can be done at almost any age. However, keep in mind that many people begin to lose facial fat in their 20s and 30s .iI should not be undertaken without some thought for the future. Most people’s faces begin to thin as they reach their 30s, so the fullness that concerns you may disappear on its own. If you choose to have buccal fat reduction performed before this natural slimming of the face occurs, you may find your face becoming too thin as you begin to age. It is best to take a careful look at your genetics. Did your parents have overly plump faces when they were young? Did this plumpness persist once they reached their 30s and 40s? If so, you may have inherited their more rounded facial appearance. If not, having buccal fat reduction surgery while you are still young may leave you looking gaunt as you get older. This can be corrected but would require additional surgery.
How is buccal fat extraction performed?
The reduction of buccal fat pads usually is performed upon a patient either under conscious sedation or under general anaesthesia. The typical approach for removing the buccal fat pad is through an incision in the mouth, towards the back of the buccal cavity, near the second upper molar; and another incision is made through the buccinator muscle, which incisions produce an opening for access to the buccal fat pads. Afterwards, the surgeon applies manual pressure to the exterior of the cheek, which pushes the buccal fat pad to protrude to the interior of the mouth, which permits gripping the pad with forceps. Once extracted from its place, the surgeon then resects (cuts and removes) the required amount of tissue from the buccal fat pad to achieve the desired cheek reduction; the remainder of the buccal fat pad then is replaced to its anatomic site, and the two incisions are sutured.
Are the results permanent?
The results of buccal fat extraction are permanent. However, if you gain a marked amount of weight in the future, your cheeks may plump up again.
Compare this technique to other techniques?
The results of buccal fat extraction are permanent.
Cheaper cost
The solution for those who have excessive cheek from genetic
Scar of incision inside your mouth
Anyway to get a V-shape contour, there are many techniques to apply with buccal fat removal such as gentle liposuction,double chin surgery etc. The result is a poorly defined facial structure can be improved.
How important of doctor's skill in buccal fat removal?
Injury to the buccal branch of the facial nerve is a risk; the buccal branch nerves that might be affected control facial functions, therefore, such damage might result in partial facial paralysis, regional facial numbness, loss of taste, et cetera. Likewise, damage to the parotid duct also might occur in men and women whose parotid ducts run deep to the buccal fat pad, which can lead to hematoma, and might affect salivation. To reduce the risks,operation under a skillful surgeon is the solution. Moreover, surgery is unique to every patient and a detailed discussion and assessment between you and your Consulting Surgeon is essential in enabling you to make a decision based on correct personal information and advice.
How to take care after your surgery?
Because of the incision inside your mouth you may have to eat a restricted diet for a while. Your surgeon will tell you what foods you should avoid. You will also be instructed to rinse your mouth several times a day with an antibacterial mouthwash.