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Shape up your breast size, with naturally beautiful result

Build up your confidence as you build up your boob size!

As many Asian girls, it is normal to have a small breasts. Even some are flat-chested, and unfortunately I am one of them.

Being a woman, it is important to have a good figure, most of us like to have a perfect body, which is completely normal to a woman. The center of a woman's symbol of female is the breast or the boobs, and lacking of it doesn't present a full-fledged woman.

I've asked a lot of surgeons about the possible procedures that I can do, and breast augmentation silicone implant is the best for me. I did my research about failed breast augmentation surgery, and it scared me to have complications after the operation. Asymmetric breast, silicone contractions, implant problems and and so forth.

Lucky to have found DRK Dr. Visnu and Dr. Kolawach to help me understand fully the procedure that I need to have to achieve the best result.

**This is my breasts before I had breast augmentation surgery**

My consultation with Dr. Kolawach and Dr. Visnu was very accurate and in detail. The medical secretary measured my breasts. Upon talking to the doctors, we come into a conclusion that I will have a 300cc volume of my MENTOR silicone implant. Since my height is just 158cm and I weigh 43.5kg, the size would be perfect!

** 2 days after my breast augmentation**

I had an under the muscles implant position and my incision is at the inframammary which is the natural crease under the breasts. As of this day, I can see no bruises on my breasts meaning there are no bleeding inside, although swollen is noticeable in a few days.

I was advised to wear a support bra for 3 months, to help reduce the swollen faster and help position and support the breast in place.

** 7 days after I had breast augmentation**

My breasts are still swollen now, but they are not painful and good to see that I have no terrible week. Everything is getting every day. I had a very quick recovery, I can go back to my office and finish my paper works ^^

This is the incision site, in just less than a month, my scar is almost gone. If you look closely, the wound closed beautiful like a normal crease under the breast. It is really nice to see that my result is going great. I cannot see to see the final result!

So this is me now, 6months after I had breast augmentation.

I am very satisfied and happy with the result I have achieved from DRK. I feel confident now, I can wear the clothes that I've wanted for so long, and I don't look like a young child. I can now feel a REAL WOMAN with natural beautiful big boobs!

I am forever thankful to my Beauty Makers Dr. Visnu and Dr. Kolawach for making my dreams come true and keeping me safe.

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