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Chiseled face for Men Chin Augmentation

chin augmentation
chin augmentation

Achieve a masculine look by having a chiseled strong face through chin augmentation.

I would like to share to you my experience in having my chin prominent with DRK.

My name is Beam, I've been very unconfident about how my chin looked like, it was set backward and short in shape.

I was looking around to figure out what to do to achieve the look that I want. I did a lot of research on cosmetic procedures, some have the fat transfer or filler on my chin, some doctors advised me to have silicone but has no screw.

I wanted my result to be natural, and secured. I heard that the silicone gives a more good shape than the filler and fat but the disadvantage of it is that if without a screw there's a possibility that the silicone will be displaced or disposition due to some activities or adjustment of tissue or loosing skin that cause the slicone inside to move around.

chin augmentation

The picture above was me before I had chin augmentation with DRK. As you can see, I have a short and receding chin. This is not a masculine face, I look like a young kid and soft man.

I want to change my look and look masculine, like male models. But the only way to achieve the best look is to do surgery by silicone implant, but I gotta find the best surgeon to do it for me.

In Thailand, there's a lot of clinics and hospitals that would probably give you the best selling strategy, all surgeons look the best now, but the secret of knowing your doctor is the result they give to their patients and how the patients react to it.

It's like your favorite dish from your favorite restaurant, only the chef can know your taste. Same goes with plastic surgery, everyone can be a good doctor, but the question is, it is your doctor?

chin augmentation

I was happy to have found DRK on the internet. I was pretty impressed with the impact of DRK to their patients. I've seen a lot of celebrities around the country and abroad has trust them for beauty makeover. The results are incredibly beautiful and outstanding!

I had a consultation with Dr. Beer and he explained to me what technique he is gonna do for me. Chin Augmentation with the use of silicone implant from the USA with TITANIUM screw that will secure the silicone in place and position it permanently. More to that, Dr. Beer will customize the silicone implant to design it to fit perfectly to my facial structure to attain a natural and masculine result, just the way I wanted it to be.

chin augmentation

These photos were taken on my operation at DRK clinic for chin augmentation with Dr. Beer. As you can see, my face looked unbalanced because of the shape of my chin. And today, everything's gonna change, I am very excited to start my procedure and get my new look as soon as possible.

DRK operating room is amazingly organized, with its high quality standard of facility and personnel, everything is like a hospital setting. During my operation, Dr. Beer and DRK's medical team took care of me and that made me feel very secure and safe. I was comfortable all throughout the operation.

chin augmentation

**Day 1**

The following day after my chin augmentation was pretty much alright. I put ice pack to hep reduce the swelling faster. The medicines that DRK gave me is working really good. But as of today, I must not eat or drink hot and spicy food, also just have to eat soft food.

chin augmentation

**Day 2**

My plasters are removed today, and as you can see there are no bruises, and the swollen is not terrible. Pain is gone and everything is pretty much normal as it looks like.

chin augmentation

**Day 5**

As you can see that I am looking normal, no signs of surgery. No bruise, no swollen and no scar!

chin augmentation

** Day 7 **

In just one week, my dream came true! Very fast recovery and no complication!

Dr. Beer is really an expert and professional in doing his job!

I am very thankful for having the look that I wanted without any difficulty!

chin augmentation

** 1 month **

After a month, the swollen was completely gone and everything is back to normal. I can do whatever I want, without limiting myself to any activity because of the TITANIUM screw that Dr. Beer put to secure my silicone implant.

My confidence have built up after getting the result that I wanted. I fee happy with my new look, and that's what most people see in me. The positiveness in me grows and reflects to people. That's all because feeling good outside, affects the feelings inside.

chin augmentation

chin augmentation

chin augmentation

chin augmentation

chin augmentation

Men have to man up and improve their look to appear masculine. Sometimes we need to embrace what the world offers us, and in this era plastic surgery is trend and welcomed in so many countries and a lot of people are doing it.

And as for me, I have discovered a different way of achieving confidence.

DRK team and DR. BEER gave me the life that I've always dreamed of, and I will forever keep my trust and support to them. I will surely come back for more surgery, and encourage my friends to come and have consultation with any of DRK surgeons.

Come and see it for yourself!

See you soon!

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