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Revision Rhinoplasty for Male Nose Line

Hi there, I am giving my review about my revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Kolawach at DRK. It’s been quite too long ago since I have endured my terrible look because of my rhinoplasty design. This is my third time to change the design of my nose silicon, and fortunately I love the result.

My first rhinoplasty was so big, it was like I had an elephant nose and looked so round which is really so bad for all facial structure. The second one had a problem with the tip, it doesn’t look so good on me. It might look good on other type of people but I just don’t like it. I tolerated that bad result for almost 5 years and did a lot of cover up make up to somehow give a curve on it. My recovery experience with my previous rhinoplasty was terrible, it was very painful and awful. It was unbearable, the swelling and bruises made me looked like I was in an accident, and as much as I want to hide it from people- they would definitely recognize that I am in terrible situation. My family was really angry with how it become because they can see that I could almost get a fever because of the pain and swelling. I stayed at home for a couple of weeks until the swelling and bruising subsides. My work was compromised and I have to postponed meetings with my clients. It was a big sacrifice on both my professional and personal life. One month before my previous rhinoplasty, I went back to their clinic to have my follow up, I was asking the doctor why is it so big- and he said it was just swelling. Until I waited for three months already, and my big nose was still there. It was a very awful feeling for me to realize that after all my efforts and painful experience gone to waste. I tried to contact the clinic and asked them what can be done to correct it because it wasn’t the nose I expected during the consultation- but I didn’t hear anything from them.

Then one day, I was watching a TV, I saw DRK Surgery center and got my attention. They have all kinds of surgery for face body and hair. I was first intrigued with the Eyebrow transplant and did it first. When I saw my amazing result and the recovery process was very easy and comfortable, I decided to ask DR. Kolawach about my nose. His advice was very promising and comforting, he told me that I don’t have to worry because it can be corrected. He will customized new silicone implant for me with a perfect length for my nose and would be more slender to make it more natural. He measured my nose and explained to me how would the silicone looked like and its shape. I am very confident that Dr. Kolawach is doing the perfect nose design for my facial structure.

During my operation at the clinic, everyone helped me to understand the process again. From the reception until I was delegated to the nurse. The nurse explained to me the medicine intake and how to take care of myself. Even though Dr. Kolawach already informed me, they always remind me with the do’s and don’ts which I find very helpful. The operation took almost an hour, I was relieved after because I didn’t feel any pain and I wasn’t nervous during the procedure. Dr. Kolawach kept on talking to me and checking my vitals.

Surprising to say that my recovery was not painful at all, there were no bruising and just a little bit swollen but not obvious. The next day, I went back to DRK for follow up and my face was splendid. I could really tell that I feel like I haven’t done any surgery. The feeling was great and I am so excited to see the end result.

This is me immediately after my revision rhinoplasty.

I don't feel pain at all, this is so much better than my first time.

I felt secured and safe the entire operation! DRK is really the best!

The following day after my revision rhinoplasty. I still have the bandage on my nose, just to keep the swelling subside, also I apply ice pack around the area to help reduce the swelling faster.

Everything is going great! As you see, my bandages are already removed and my nose look fine! no bruises and no swelling! Very fast recovery! my life is back to normal! hahahah

My friends told me that I look differently better with my new nose.. I feel great about it, and I am very happy with the result!

Day 6 of my revision rhinoplasty, I like it much better shape up, the swelling has gone and evidently no bruising.

However, if you notice carefully to see that it shorter and more slender. This is only less than one week after surgery, how much more if it would be a month later? Then it would be so perfect! ^-^

Just be patient and it will come more.


Swelling would subside by drinking lots of water, cold compress, medicines on time, and high pillows. And take a good rest at home.

I am looking forward to doing another surgery with Dr. Kolawach, pls stay tuned for my next operation.

Thank you for your time on reading my review. ^-^

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